Banners, Flower Baskets, and Holiday decorations
Design is an important part of Main Street. The banners, flowers and holiday lights create a welcoming feel to visitors and community members alike. These programs are funded through the generous donations of individuals, organizations, and businesses in Owatonna.
For 2025, we have planted 147 flower baskets. Each basket costs $130 to plant and maintain until the Homecoming Parade. Individuals, organizations and businesses can pay for a basket in honor or in memory of someone special as well. Thanks to all who have donated for making Owatonna brighter! If you’d like to donate, mail or drop off a check at the Chamber office (120 South Oak Avenue) or contact Lisa Cochran.
The fund for banners through the Chamber Foundations is still open, to expand to other seasons and holidays, if you would like to donate. Thanks to Profinium Bank for their donation to support holidays decorations. We are working with a local vendor to print additional banners.
The Design Committee has a long-term plan for holiday decorations for the Main Street District. Watch each year for new items to be added. If you would like to donate to the Holiday Fund, contact the Chamber Office, or send a check with “holiday decorations” on the memo line.
All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated.
Special thanks to the City of Owatonna staff who hang and remove all banners, flower baskets, and holiday decorations.