Banners, Flower Baskets, and Holiday Lights
Design is an important part of Main Street. The banners, flowers and holiday lights create a welcoming feel to visitors and community members alike. These programs are funded through the generous donations of individuals, organizations, and businesses in Owatonna.
For 2024, we have planted 130 flower baskets. Each basket costs $125 to plant and maintain until the Homecoming Parade. This program is only funded by generous donations from community members, businesses, and organizations here in Owatonna. You can pay for a basket in honor or in memory of someone special as well. Thanks to all who have donated for making Owatonna brighter! If you’d like to donate, stop in the Chamber Office to grab a form or print this one.
Banners were purchased with a grant from MN Main Street. Four different banners were chosen in consultation with a branding expert:
- Welcome to Main Street banner on white background with Main Street logo in color
- White banner with the Owatonna logo printed in color
- Blue and green banners with half of the logo on each as a color-on-color banner. When you put the banners together, it creates the full circle logo.
Two different sizes were ordered to fit the different-sized banner brackets along N Cedar Ave, N Oak Ave, and side streets of Pearl, Vine, Broadway, Bridge and Main. The fund for banners through the Chamber Foundations is still open, to expand to other seasons and holidays, if anyone would like to donate.
The Design Committee has been working on a long-term plan for holiday lights for the Main Street District. We hope to have some new items ordered for this upcoming holiday season. We have some money in our Holiday Decoration Fund, but for better quality items, the cost is significant. If you would like to donate to the Holiday Fund, contact the Chamber Office, or send a check with “holiday decorations” on the memo line. Each donation is tax deductible and much appreciated.